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Grigoris Kouskouris was born in Athens on July 2nd 1980, although his family is originally from the island of Tinos. Grigoris is the fourth consecutive descendent from a family of marble sculptors . Works of his ancestors are being kept in the Museum of the Marble Crafts on Tinos island.

He studied in the school of the fine arts of Athens, which was founded by the sculptor Stratis Fillopotis During his studies he worked in a marble sculpting studio. At the same time he studied next to his mentor, the accomplished sculptor Konstantinos Georgiou.

In 2003 he returned to his hometown in Santorini. He worked in his family’s marble workshop business, where he sets up his own studio. For the following years he worked and studied with dedication in order to set his own path in art. In 2007 he opened a permanent exhibition of his work in the refurbished gallery space of his family’s workshop.

In 2011 he has founded Spira Marble Art Gallery - S.M.A.G. There, for the first time he exposed a complete series of his artworks that manifest his interest in the natural beauty of stone and marble.

Living and working in Santorini, which is a reknowed gastronomical destination, the artist’s passion for sculpture, combined with his appreciation of fine dinning, inspires him to create uniquie “art de la table” items.



Grigoris Kouskouris was born in Athens on July 2nd 1980, although his family is originally from the island of Tinos. Grigoris is the fourth consecutive descendent from a family of marble sculptors . Works of his ancestors are being kept in the Museum of the Marble Crafts on Tinos island.

He studied in the school of the fine arts of Athens, which was founded by the sculptor Stratis Fillopotis During his studies he worked in a marble sculpting studio. At the same time he studied next to his mentor, the accomplished sculptor Konstantinos Georgiou.

In 2003 he returned to his hometown in Santorini. He worked in his family’s marble workshop business, where he sets up his own studio. For the following years he worked and studied with dedication in order to set his own path in art. In 2007 he opened a permanent exhibition of his work in the refurbished gallery space of his family’s workshop.

In 2011 he has founded Spira Marble Art Gallery - S.M.A.G. There, for the first time he exposed a complete series of his artworks that manifest his interest in the natural beauty of stone and marble.

Living and working in Santorini, which is a reknowed gastronomical destination, the artist’s passion for sculpture, combined with his appreciation of fine dinning, inspires him to create uniquie “art de la table” items.

S.M.A.G. - short for Spira Marble Art Gallery, it’s a personal exhibition space of Grigoris Kouskouris, a marble sculptor with a celebrated past and bright future.

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